
ABA Routing Number Validator

This module provides a validator which will run a few checks on an ABA routing transit number (ABA RTN) just to make sure it might be authentic.

  1. Basic Overview
  2. Technolog Stack
  3. Another paragraph

This module provides a validator which will run a few checks on an ABA routing transit number (ABA RTN) just to make sure it might be authentic.

Basically, there are a few rules in constructing a ABA number and this module will try and check to see if those rules have been applied correctly.

The ABA routing transit number (ABA RTN) is a nine-digit code used in the United States to identify a financial institution. All financial institutions in the United States will have at least one ABA RTN number. The ABA routing transit number was created in 1910 by the American Bankers Association.

The number is used by the Federal Reserve Banks to process Fedwire fund transfers. It is also used by the Automated Clearing Houses to process automated transfers, bill payments, and deposits.

The ABA RTN number can usually (but not always) be found on the bottom left-hand corner of your personal check. The last digit of the ABA number is actually called a “checksum digit”. It's a crude hash of the first eight digits and provides an initial check for the numbers authenticity.

Check Image

More information about the ABA routing transit number can be found in the Book of Knowledge:

Technology Stack

The following software is required to build this project:

Software Version Download
Java 17.0.9
Apache Maven 3.9.6

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Apache Maven



The following is s rigious tess will will validate an incoming ABA routing number.

 * This method will validate an incoming ABA Routing Transit Number.
 * @param paramAbaNumber The ABA number to be validated.
 * @return True if valid.  False if not valid.
 * @throws AbaRouteValidationException Something went *really* wrong.
public boolean validateNumber( final String paramAbaNumber )
        throws AbaRouteValidationException {
    boolean _isValid;

    // Static call to validate.
    _isValid = AbaRouteValidator.validate( paramAbaNumber );

    // Return the result
    return ( _isValid );

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Version: 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2024-04-09 .

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